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Office 2016 Mac Uninstaller

commegeria1983 2021. 1. 22. 01:13

  • Microsoft Office Suite Removal Tool is an application that can help you remove Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 from your computer, when every other method fails.
  • Step 4: Remove Office 2016 for Mac icons from the Dock. If you added Office icons to the Dock they may turn into question marks after you uninstall Office 2016 for Mac. To remove these icons, ctrl + click (or right-click) the icons select Options and click Remove from Dock. Repeat this for each Office 2016 for Mac.
This FAQ was last modified on: Friday, March 9, 2018 03:52pm

Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016

Applies To: Excel 2016 for MacOutlook 2016 for MacPowerPoint 2016 for MacMore..

I purchased Office 2016 for a new Mac. After a few weeks, Apple replaced the Mac and my husband reinstalled Office 2016. Somehow it is now wanting me to subscribe to Office 365. I have the home. This software tool helps to correctly, quickly, and completely remove Office from your Mac. For this, follow the next steps: Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller. In the Applications tab, you will see a list of all your apps. All related programs and service files of the Microsoft Office 365 suite are gathered in one Microsoft Office folder.

To uninstall Office 2016 for Mac, move the applications and user preference files to the Trash. Once you've removed everything, empty the Trash and restart your Mac to complete the process. You can also perform a complete uninstall for Office 2016 for Mac if you are troubleshooting an issue. Hp laserjet m1212nf mfp driver download mac.


You must be signed in as an administrator on the mac or provide an administrator name and password to complete these steps.

1. Remove Office 2016 for Mac applications

  1. Open Finder > Applications.

  2. Command +click to select all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications.

  3. Ctrl+click an application you selected and click Move to Trash.

2. Remove files from your user Library folder

Office 2016 Mac Key

Office 2016 Mac Uninstaller

To remove files from your user Library folder, you'll need to first set the Finder View options.

  1. In Finder, press +Shift+h.

  2. On the Finder menu at the top, click View > as List, and then click View > Show View Options.

  3. In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder and save.

  4. Back in Finder, open Library > Containers and ctrl+click each of these folders and Move to Trash. Not all of these folders may be present.

    • com.microsoft.errorreporting

    • com.microsoft.Excel

    • com.microsoft.netlib.shipassertprocess

    • com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2

    • com.microsoft.Outlook

    • com.microsoft.Powerpoint

    • com.microsoft.RMS-XPCService

    • com.microsoft.Word

    • com.microsoft.onenote.mac

  5. Warning: Outlook data will be removed when you move the three folders listed in this step to Trash. You should back up these folders before you delete them.

    Click the back arrow to go back to the Library folder and open Group Containers. Ctrl+click each of these folders if present, and Move to Trash.

3. Remove from dock and restart

  1. If you put any of the Office applications in your dock, go to each one and ctrl + click > Options > Remove from Dock.

  2. Restart your Mac to complete the uninstall.

*Reference: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/uninstall-office-2016-for-mac-eefa1199-5b58-43af-8a3d-b73dc1a8cae3